Sunday, April 15, 2012

Servicing the Engine

I have always dreamt of owning fast cars. If I could get behind the seat of a fully worked VT Charger, that would be heaven! I have even taken to the speedway in a V8 supercar for some intense laps!.. But even these incredible machines need to be looked after properly otherwise performance is not at it's true capacity.

I see people the same way. The groovers and shakers in any industry can do with touch up here and there to ensure they are on top of their game. I figure our body is the engine that runs us. If it is not in premier condition, our workload can suffer. Rather that let myself get to that level, I have personally taken it upon myself to service my 'engine'.

For many people that know me, my love of boxing has been in place since I started boxing at Wauchope boxing gym at 14 years old. Over the years of watching fights, training and even teaching, it is time to take things just one step further.

Time to step into the ring!

What some might call a Boot Camp, I am entering into an initiative by Gavin Topp (Former Australian Boxing Champion) with his boxing program - Fight Like A Pro

10 intense weeks of pro training. 5am starts. 5 days a week minimum!

At the end, there is a 'pro' fight of 3 rounds, 2 minutes each, where I step into a ring in front of hundred of people at the Southport Sharks Football Club.

September 8th 2012 is a date pre-programmed in my head as the day my life changes.
To be physically fit, mentally fit, I know I will feel the ability to take on the world!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Need advice for a blog PLEASE!

As you would be aware, I am trying to get my blogs going and finding the correct type of articles to keep interest and to gain more followers is the ultimate aim for me.
I see stories on how to climb up the Google search rankings, by linking my blog to other pages and so forth.
But my question really is this:

What 'stuff' would you like to read about?
Advice on selling?
Personal experiences in property?
My 'opinions' as to the current market as well.
Research facts about the current market
General drivel and chit chat
Funny articles
Properties for sale
There are so many things that could be written about, but as they say 'Content is King' and I really would like to hear what you have to say about it
Please reply after reading this blog via my Facebook page (note the change of page name too) or via Twitter

All feedback will really be appreciated

Thursday, December 8, 2011

It's nearly over.. I hope

After months of painstaking inspections, tireless efforts into cleaning to ensure our home has the 'sparkle', it finally looks like we have sold our home. Although our own personal sparkle seems to be dissolved with it.
It truly is incredible, the energy that is exhumed both physically and emotionally with the entire process. But, the light is at the end of the tunnel now and for once, it does not appear to be an on coming train!
Now, as Christmas Holidays loom upon us, the jolly fat man in a suit will be visiting the family. Merely weeks before we up and move outta here into a new home in Palm Beach. The whole purpose of our move is to be close to the beautiful sand and surf..
It is yet again, going to be a trying time, but at least there will be kidlets laughter to keep smiles on our faces while we face the next daunting task... Packing to move..But that will be a story for another day.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Selling a home ARRGGHH

You would think that as a seasoned sales person with over 12 years experience under my belt, that I would find selling my own property a breeze.. but that could not be further from the truth!

Fortunately, I have hired my business partner from Ray White Palm Beach to handle the buyer inspections and feedback etc.

What I didn't count on was the undue stress of actually preparing the house for sale and the inevitable cleaning for inspections and open homes.

It is far from a breeze! Between the tedious working hours for my wife and I, cleaning and mowing etc is the last thing on our agenda. Add a fruitloop of a dog into the mix and then an 8 year old and 5 year old... every time you put something away three things come back out. As well as the 'I'm hungry ,can I have a sandwich' and the ''can I have a drink please' pipe up mid way during a patio hose down, it's a wonder we haven't gone to the loony bin yet, though I do hear Hotel California playing already...

I take my hat off to all my clients that have endeared this process week in and week out. All in the name of a sold sign out the front.. Lets hope it's all over soon.

Till next time

Ron Marshall

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

It's time to take the plunge

After months of deliberation, I have finally taken the plunge to write a regular blog about the wonderful world of real estate. I am based here on the ever beautiful Gold Coast in sunny (most of the time) Queensland. The slogan beautiful one day, perfect the next reigns true nine times out of ten, pouring down rain otherwise.

My background? I am a senior sales consultant with twelve years experience in the facets of residential property sales. Working for Ray White in Palm Beach, we have quite a large team with some fantastic dynamics due to the diversity of the staff. We all motivate each other, support each other and are friends as well as colleagues.

I am consistently looking at new ways to improve, albeit personally or business wise. I guess thats what prompted me to begin writing. Sometimes writing can describe thought patterns easier than the spoken word can.

Stay tuned, I will get my first work based blog going very soon. Till then, ciao and thanks for dropping by!

Meanwhile, I can be found on Facebook!